Press Release

The Centre for Public Impact Launches Season 2 of Reimagining Government

Cue Podcasts and the Centre for Public Impact have partnered to launch season two of Reimagining Government, a show exploring a new vision for government.
June 5, 2024
Reimagining Government
The Centre for Public Impact

Cue Podcasts have partnered with the Centre for Public Impact (CPI) to launch the second season of Reimagining Government, a podcast shining a light on government changemakers around the world. 

Season 2 of Reimagining Government is hosted by Adrian Brown, CPI’s Executive Director and former member of the UK Prime Minister’s Delivery and Strategy Units. With more than 20 years experience working on government performance and its development within the UK, he looks at how government and public services could better embrace complexity and experimentation, and build better relationships with communities.

Reimagining Government podcast artwork

Joining him this time are a range of innovative civil servants, academics, and activists, each bringing their own experiences and visions to the table. The first episode is co-hosted by Naja Nelson (Senior Associate at CPI Europe) and focuses on how governments can earn legitimacy. Guests include Oliver Escobar (Professor of Public Policy & Democratic Innovation at The University of Edinburgh) and Cathie Christenson (Team Lead at City of Calgary). It also features Jaime Junior (Advocacy & Community Education Coordinator for the Disability Network in Wayne County Detroit) who talks about what earned legitimacy in government means to her, and how leaders and decision-makers can earn the right to govern.

The inspiration behind the podcast came from governments striving to better serve their communities so that they can respond to increasingly complex local and global challenges. Further episodes take on paradigm shifts, long-term thinking, gamification, and more.

The first season of Reimagining Government enjoyed 10,970 unique downloads and reached #6 in the Apple Podcasts government category. It was also featured in an article written by the team at Bloomberg Cities Network.

Available on all major listening platforms now, episodes will be released every two weeks. Listen to the first episode here, or via the player below:

Reimagining Government is produced in partnership with Cue Podcasts, a UK-based production company specialising in branded podcasts. The team at Cue have previously produced shows for SailGP, Azets, West Midlands Trains, Roc Nation, Samsung, VICE, Halifax, and more.

Rosie McIntosh, Global Director of Storytelling & Communications at the Centre for Public Impact said:

We’re all facing some pretty tough global and local challenges, from the cost of living to climate change. Understandably, many of us have lost trust in our governments. But at CPI, we still believe that government - done better - is our best hope for facing these challenges. Our podcast shines a light on the public servants making real change and explores how we can reimagine government so that it works for everyone.

Niall Killeney-Taylor, Head of Production at Cue Podcasts said:

At Cue Podcasts, we take immense pride in our role as storytellers in the realm of audio. Our passion lies in crafting unique narratives and amplifying diverse voices from every corner of the globe. Season 2 of Reimagining Government is a testament to this commitment. We're thrilled to be a part of this journey, where we not only explore the intricacies of government but also celebrate the richness of human experience.

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Reimagining Government
The Centre for Public Impact

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